MySQL Cluster Ndb – Restore Foreign Key Constraint Violation


I am trying to restore mysql cluster backup on slave cluster.

When i run ndb_restore command it gives me following error:

$ /usr/local/mysql/bin/ndb_restore -n 6 -b 15 -r ./6

Opening file './6/BACKUP-15.6.log'
File size 1210464 bytes
execute failed: 255: Foreign key constraint violated: No parent row found

NDBT_ProgramExit: 1 - Failed

How can i skip foreign key errors ?

Best Answer

With any more complex data it is almost impossible to restore data in MySQL Cluster in one step. Usually one needs two steps:

ndb_restore <other_options> --disable-indexes

ndb_restore <other_options> --rebuild-indexes

First step has to be run on all nodes of the cluster. Second step though - just on one node which will rebuild all the indexes.

For foreign keys you can try to split first step into two:

ndb_restore <other_options> --restore_meta

ndb_restore <other_options> --restore_data --disable-indexes

--restore_meta has to be run on one node. --restore_data on all the nodes in cluster.