Mysql – Can’t load local file into thesql database


So I will preface this by saying that I'm not all that skilled in MySQL (or regular SQL for that matter), but I'm trying to load data from a .txt file into my table that I keep for ticket sales. When I do that using:

LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/path/presales1.txt' INTO TABLE presales

I get the '> prompter. And I have no idea what to do. I tried looking up solutions and the one I thought would work was:
--local-infile[=1]; because that is straight out the MySQL handbook. It didn't work (nor did any variation on it…such as local-infile=1;, local-infile=1 etc….)

Did I miss a simple step? My version of MySQL is 5.7

Best Answer

Watch carefully, everything is up my sleeve.

mysql> SELECT 'abc
    '> def';
| abc

def |
| abc

def |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Notice that my first line has a quote, but not the matching quote. When I hit return; it prompted me with '> -- That's the clue that I need to balance the quotes. Eventually, I did so, and the query terminated.

Look around, I suspect there is a stray quote on the preceding or following line. Or the quotes around the filename aren't really the same.