MySQL – Binary Logs Not Deleted After Expiration


I have 3 Mysql 5.6 nodes in one galera cluster in the first DC and 3 MariaDB 10.3 nodes in another galera cluster in the DR site. One node on the 1st DC is the master for one slave node on the DR site. In all nodes binary logs are enabled to be ready anytime act as masters.
The problem is that despite the fact that expire_logs_days = 2 binary logs are not deleted in any node . I have tried to stop one node, delete everything under /var/lib/mysql/ and restart but nothing changed. I still delete the logs by hand using PURGE BINARY LOG commands. Any idea why this cloud be happening?

I have checked expire_logs_days with mysql command and I also have it in the my.cnf

Best Answer

Finally the binary logs was rotating normally. The problem is that expire_logs_days=2 means 2 days excluding the present one or something like that, probably a translation of days in minutes. :) The last mysql mariadb versions set binary log expiration in minutes.