MySQL bin log missing data


I'm trying to make heads and tails of my binary logs and am coming up short. I have many entries similar to the following from mysqlbinlog but I'm missing log data that I know should be there.

# at 1050548
#130617 18:40:03 server id 1  end_log_pos 1050619   Query   thread_id=844988    exec_time=0 error_code=0
SET TIMESTAMP=1371519603/*!*/;
# at 1050619
# at 1050782
#130617 18:40:03 server id 1  end_log_pos 1050809   Xid = 33121028

It's puzzling because I get expected SQL in the mysqlbinlog output for statements executed in phpmyadmin but those coming from other PHP-based remote web servers appear to not be recorded.

My settings bin logging are:

bin_log = /path_to_sql_incrementals
binlog_ignore_db = mysql

Am I missing a logging option?

Mysql 5.0.95 / CentOS 5.9

Best Answer

You need to use the --base64-output=decode-rows and --verbose options with mysqlbinlog or you will not always see everything that's in the log.

You should also consider removing binlog_ignore_db from your configuration, because this not only prevents logging changes to the mysql schema, it also stops logging of events from your session that reference other schemas any time you USE mysql until you USE another database because of the way replication rules are interpreted.