Mysql – best relationship for this design

foreign keyMySQLmysql-workbench

There is a table users with autoincrement primary key id.

There is also a table employees (every employee is a user but not vice versa). The employees primary key is userid. The field userid is not autoincrement.

employees.userid should be a foreign key for

Which kind of relationship in Workbench it should be?

As far as I understand:

  • It cannot be 1:1 relationships because for a given user the corresponding employee may not exist.

  • It is not advisable to be 1:n relationship because n can be only 0 or 1.

  • It should be an identifying relation because a user is determined by an employee.

Please advise me what is the best relationship in this case.

Best Answer

I think it would be best that you learned about relationship types without using an IDE.

If every employee is a user, then it should be a straight 1:1 relationship.

If every employee is not a user, then you should not be using userid as the primary key. Rather, create a surrogate primary key for the employee and make userid a nullable foreign key.