MySQL Auto_increment going 2 by 2


I installed MySQL Workbench the other day, accessed my company's database and made myself a table to work with. So far so good. The problem is, I noticed my auto_increment is incrementing 2 by 2. For example:

1     Paul
3     Jack
5     Louis
7     John

When I do SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'auto_inc%' I get this:

'auto_increment_increment', '2'
'auto_increment_offset', '1'

So I tried setting auto_increment_increment to 1 with:

SET @@auto_increment_increment=1

And after verifying again with SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'auto_inc%' I confirmed it "worked" with the result:

'auto_increment_increment', '1'
'auto_increment_offset', '1'

But my ID's are still being incremented in 2 by 2.

The first time I did it, it worked well and then I closed MySQL Workbench to realize that when I opened it again, auto_increment_increment was set to 2 again. Now I'm trying to do it again, but it doesn't even seem to work anymore.

Can anyone help me with this, please?

Thanks guys.

Best Answer

The prefix that was used:

SET @@auto_increment_increment=1;

Is the same as:

SET @@SESSION.auto_increment_increment=1;

When modifying this setting, it becomes relevant only in your current session.

To make a more permanent fix try:

SET GLOBAL auto_increment_increment=1;

Is the same as:

SET @@GLOBAL.auto_increment_increment=1;