MySQL 8 – Fixing ST_GeomFromText Latitude Out of Range Error


I am trying the following insert query on mysql 8.

Insert Into fence Set       
            fenceGeometry=ST_GeomFromText('POINT(102.1893310546875 3.880696482497261)', 4326)

It works perfectly on mysql 5.7 but here in mysql 8 I get this error Latitude 102.189331 is out of range in function st_geomfromtext. It must be within [-90.000000, 90.000000].

Based on some suggestion I also did this.

ALTER TABLE fence MODIFY fenceGeometry geometry NOT NULL SRID 4326;

But yet the it gives me the same results.

Best Answer

That's because on MySQL 8, they did the unthinkable and implemented the stupid method of doing geography coordinates (like MySQL). This broke backwards compatability.

  • When you use Geometry on MySQL (any SRID) except 4326 you use (long,lat). That's (x,y) on a Cartesian system.
  • When you use Geography on MySQL (SRID = 4326) you use (lat, long). That's (y,x) typically. This is done because English speakers tend to say "latitude and longitude" rather than "longitude, latitude"

Amusingly Oracle which owns MySQL does not do this on Oracle Spatial. Oracle Spatial and PostGIS are consistently (long,lat)`. To resolve this switch the order, not

ST_GeomFromText('POINT(102.1893310546875 3.880696482497261)', 4326)

But, this,

ST_GeomFromText('POINT(3.880696482497261 102.1893310546875)', 4326)

In MySQL 5.x there was no real geographical coordinate system.

Side note

You shouldn't be using WKT for this if you have the points you can just use Point(), and ST_SRID(pt,SRID)

ST_SRID(Point(3.880696482497261, 102.1893310546875), 4326)

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