MySQL 5.7 – Where is the thesql_secret file on Windows 7


I've just installed a copy of MySQL 5.7 for testing, and I love the fact that it now only creates a single root account, and puts the password into a file called .mysql_secret.

There's just one problem. Where can I find the above mentioned file. On Linux it is apparently found in $HOME, but my test DB is on Windows.

I tried various places including %USERPROFILE% but I just can't find it anywhere!!

Can anyone please tell me where to find this file? As otherwise my testing will be over before it has begun.

Best Answer

My blind guess would be to look in %APPDATA%\MySQL on your system as follows:

cd MySQL
dir .my_secret

For those who use the MySQL no-install Zip File (such as myself), you will not see one.

If .my_secret is not on your Windows servers, I have an alternative. You could start up mysqld manually with skip-grant-tables, set the password

net stop mysql
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL 5.7\bin"
start mysqld --skip-grant-tables
mysql -ANe"update mysql.user set authentication_string=PASSWORD('mynewpassword') where user='root'"
mysqladmin shutdown
net start mysql
mysql -uroot -p
Enter password: (enter the password 'mynewpassword' and hit <Enter>)

Give it a Try !!!