Mysql – 20-40 ms performance difference during peak traffic on amazon RDS


I am noticing during peak traffic the average mysql response time is 20-40 ms longer consistently as reported by new relic. I have tried turning on query cache and making the innodb buffer pool larger with no luck. The total response time is still around 125ms; but am concerned that I am missing a setting that could help.

I don't recall having this issue with Rackspace with the same set of data and traffic. Could it just come down to the fact there is just a bit more load on the database and is acceptable?

I have an 8GB Amazon RDS instance with a 4gb buffer pool and I turned on the query cache with a 75% hit rate which didn't move the needle.

Could the issue be related to being in a shared environment at all? My CPU usage is under 20% (usually a lot less).

here are my settings:

I am just looking for ideas to try. My two ideas were making the buffer pool larger was 3gb now 4gb; and turning the query cache on (As I had with rackspace). So far those didn't move the needle.

Best Answer

20-40ms is about a thousand miles of latency. Where are the client and server, relative to each other? Is Amazon moving the Server around? Or the Client?

innodb_buffer_pool_size is set reasonably by Amazon (I think). Do not raise it without raising the amount of RAM? There is no benefit in making the buffer_pool much bigger than the entire dataset (data & indexes).

For an 8GB VM (which is probably only 7.5GB), 6G is about the max that is safe -- assuming that only MySQL is running in that VM.

Turning on the QC is usually a waste on production systems (except on Aurora). Also, do not set query_cache_size bigger than about 50M -- else it could slow things down.

20% CPU -- percent of one core? Of all cores? 20% of all cores seems high. What is your slowest query? Also SHOW CREATE TABLE.