Ms-access – Split date time, with only time, into minutes and seconds

database-designexcelimportms access

I'm creating an Access database from an excel file that contains metadata about vhs tapes and DVDs. The person who created the excel file had the running times as a date/time field in minutes:seconds. I would like to be able to create reports or set up forms/queries etc. where the user can search for minutes greater than such and such. I was thinking that the best way would be to create two fields: minutes and seconds. The date/time type is really for specifying chronological times, not running times.

What is the best way to do this? How can I split the minutes:seconds to create two columns?

I only just imported the Excel table into Access. Would it be easier to do it as a formula in Excel and then import to Access?

Best Answer

Store the running time as an integer in total seconds. For display purposes you can convert the number of seconds into a string in hours:minutes:seconds format or whatever display format you choose.