Ms-access – Select DISTINCT records with extra information

ms accessquery

I have a MS Access database full of customer names and addresses. I want to send out a mailing but only one per address. Therefore if there are 3 different customers at the address I want only one row. Here is the basic query I have so far:

Group   Fname   Lname   Address

So my first attempt was:

SELECT DISTINCT Customers.[Address 1]
FROM Customers

This works as I wanted and returns only unique addresses. However I also need the group, fname and lname fields. When I add these in I lose the DISTINCT functionality as often customers in the same household will have different Lname and grouping.

Whats the best way to select the data I need but still use DISTINCT on the [Address 1] field.

Best Answer

      Customers AS c
      ( SELECT [Address 1], MIN([Order Date]) AS min_od
        FROM Customers
        GROUP BY [Address 1]
      ) AS grp
         ON  grp.[Address 1] = c.[Address 1]
         AND grp.min_od = c.[Order Date] ;

This may still give you two rows for an address, if you have two rows with the same minimum [Order Date] for an address.