Oracle – How to Prevent Specific Applications from Connecting

ms accessoracle

Is there a way to prevent certain applications (e.g. MS Excel or Access) from connecting to Oracle database?

A bit of context:

My company uses an Oracle database as our live production database. We don't want any Excel or Access files being linked to this database. I don't really care if users use something like Toad to run a few queries by hand but I don't want a bunch of Excel or Access files linked to this database. We replicate this database and all users who need this data should get it from the replicated database, not the live database.

I can of course view the list of sessions and what program was used to connect with this query, but I'm not sure how to prevent the sessions from being opened in the first place:


The PROGRAM column of this query will tell me if something is opened with Excel or Access.

Best Answer

You could use a logon trigger for that, something along these lines:

create or replace trigger logon_trigger 
  after logon on database
  v_prog varchar2(50);
  v_sid number;
  v_sid := to_number(sys_context('USERENV', 'SID'));
  select program into v_prog FROM GV$SESSION where sid = v_sid;
  if lower(v_prog) like 'access' then
      raise_application_error(-20000, 'Login not allowed');
  end if;

PS. Not tested.