MongoDB wiredTiger Error: collection-*.wt does not appear to be a WiredTiger file (Window10)


mongoDB version: 3.4.2 os: win10
Question: Cannot start mongoDB due to .wt file corruption
When reset mongoDB database path, cmd give the error as in picture
Any hint would be appreciated, thanksenter image description here

Best Answer

@Lizhen, may be Wiredtiger does unclean shutdown. Just go to 'E:\Work_App\MongoDB\bin' and type in command prompt like

Then run the query in command prompt “mongod --dbpath /data/db –repair”

Suppose that i have installed MongoDB in C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin then the query statement will be like that

C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin>mongod --dbpath /data/db --repair

As you already said your MongoDB installation path is E:\Work_App_MongoDB\bin. So in your place it would be

E:\Work_App_MongoDB\bin>mongod --dbpath /data/db –repair 

I hope so that it will be help out to you.