MongoDB Upgrade Lock Issue – How to Resolve from 2.4 to 2.6


I have upgrade 3 months ago a mongoDB sharded cluster from 2.4.9 to 2.6.1 . I haven't faced any issues with the upgrade and my cluster working fine, but i still see the initial lock that required to update metadata to v5 on my config servers.

     "_id" : "configUpgrade",
    "process" : "pgdb2:27017:1399361525:1804289383",
    "state" : 0,
    "ts" : ObjectId("53688ff569fb6f34e9a2d398"),
    "when" : ISODate("2014-05-06T07:32:05.343Z"),
    "who" : "pgdb2:27017:1399361525:1804289383:mongosMain:846930886",
    "why" : "upgrading config database to new format v5"

Does anybody knows if this is bug or if it is going to affect any future operation?

Best Answer

The upgrade lock record is not removed post upgrade. A "state" of 0 means the lock is not being held. You can ignore or remove manually.

The lock definitions for MongoDB 2.6 are available here and are:

0: Unlocked | 1: Locks in contention | 2: Lock held