MongoDB – Unable to Connect


I am trying to connect to mongodb and querying data from it. Here is what I am doing:

In node js my db connection file is looks like this:

//Using mongodb drivers has to be installed using npm
var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
var dburl = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/meanhotel';

var _connection = null;

var open = function() {
MongoClient.connect(dburl, function(err, db) {
if (err) {
console.log("DB connection failed",err);
_connection = db;
console.log("DB connection open");

var get = function() {
return _connection;

module.exports = {
open : open,
get : get

And the node js code which I am using to query data from the database is like this:

var dbconn = require('../data/dbconnection.js');

var hotelData = require('../data/hotel-data.json');

module.exports.hotelsGetAll = function(req, res) {
var db = dbconn.get();
var collection = db.collection('hotels');
var docs=collection.find();

console.log("Found hotels",err);

If I visit the URL


Nothing is coming out.

Also in terminal I am getting this output.

Found hotels { [MongoError: not authorized on meanhotel to execute command { find: "hotels", filter: {} }]
name: 'MongoError',
message: 'not authorized on meanhotel to execute command { find: "hotels", filter: {} }',
ok: 0,
errmsg: 'not authorized on meanhotel to execute command { find: "hotels", filter: {} }',
code: 13,

codeName: 'Unauthorized' }

I am using this for launch the mongo shell:

mongo localhost:27017/admin -u user -p pass

Also if I want to dump data to the database I am using this.

sudo mongodump --db meantest -u user -p pass --authenticationDatabase
admin --gzip

What could be going wrong?

Best Answer

The right URL format when MongoDB authentication is enabled is:


For your case: mongodb://user:pass@localhost:27017/meanhotel?authSource=admin

Reference: MongoClient or how to connect in a new and better way