Mongodb – Scalability: Desiging a message table


This question might be deadly simple but I wanted to make sure I am going through the correct path and not making any simple and irrevertible mistakes.

My project will be based on messaging and it won't be as less-used as a side tool like in Twitter or Facebook (not that they are not used but it's not the key option presented to users)

I was wondering will a simple table design like;

  • from (id)
  • to (id)
  • content (text)
  • created_at (date)
  • isRead (boolean)

will suffice because, even though it is planned to be a small project, I do not believe that all the messages should be stored in one table and for each user when they want to view their messaging history, I shouldn't be scanning the entire table to do so. I am thinking about how scalable would this structure be and how would I benefit using a NoSQL DB like mongoDB.

Best Answer

You can go through the following embedded json document to implement your message collection and can ensure index on "mail_id" key to avoid scanning all documents. For your information here collection serve as table and each document serve as row of a table.

                sent_at: datetime,
                subject: string,
                sent_to: string,
                cc_to:[array of mailid strings],
                bcc_to:[array of mailid strings],
                sent_mail_content: string               

                    received_at: datetime,  
                    subject: string,                
                    received_from: string,
                    cc_to:[array of mailid strings],
                    received_mail_content: string

I hope it will help.