MongoDB Dump – Troubleshooting Remote MongoDB Dump Failure


I hope you can help me. I am trying to make a data dump on a MongoDB remotely, but am getting an error.

I use the following command from my Windows CMD console to create the backup:

C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.0\bin\imports>mongodump --host --port 29039 --out E:\Mongo\Data\Backup\Dump

It all seems to run and dump and write,

2015-11-13T15:56:30.159+0200    writing IOWA.VENDORITEM to E:\Mongo\Data\Backup\Dump\IOWA\VENDORITEM.bson
2015-11-13T15:56:30.162+0200    writing IOWA.CALLCLOSURECODE metadata to E:\Mongo\Data\Backup\Dump\IOWA\CALLCLOSURECODE.metadata.json
2015-11-13T15:56:30.171+0200    writing IOWA.PRICELISTITEM metadata to E:\Mongo\Data\Backup\Dump\IOWA\PRICELISTITEM.metadata.json
2015-11-13T15:56:30.193+0200    done dumping IOWA.CALLCLOSURECODE (0 documents)
2015-11-13T15:56:30.194+0200    writing IOWA.BULLETINBOARD to E:\Mongo\Data\Backup\Dump\IOWA\BULLETINBOARD.bson
2015-11-13T15:56:30.205+0200    done dumping IOWA.PRICELISTITEM (0 documents)
2015-11-13T15:56:30.205+0200    writing IOWA.BINLOCATION to E:\Mongo\Data\Backup\Dump\IOWA\BINLOCATION.bson

But then I get this ERROR:

2015-11-13T15:56:30.270+0200    Failed: error creating bson file `E:\Mongo\Data\Backup\Dump\IOWA1\db.getCollection('MASTER').distinct("_t").bson`: open E:\Mongo\Data\Backup\Dump\IOWA1\db.getCollection('MASTER').distinct("_t").bson: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.

Any help would greatly be appreciated!

Best Answer

Even i had this issue and came to know its an bug. workaround for this would be dumping by passing the DB

mongodump -d "database_name"

try this may resolve your issue. Make sure you have enough space in the File system.