Mongodb – Mongo DB Backup & restore


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I have a DB with 150GB of data. I am using the MongoDump and Mongorestore methods to backup and restore.

My production server is running Mongo 2.2 and my test server is 2.6.1

When I take a back up from the Mongo2.2 production server it's taking a long time to complete. The restoration take 6-8 Hours. It hasn't completed without error. Sometimes the restore is dropped automatically and we need to run the restore again or restore the missed collection.

Is there a better way to to take a backup and restore method, where we can save time and run it without Errors?



Best Answer

With a single node i don't think you have other option than mongodump and LVM snapshot. In the case you run on a replica set which is recommended for production you can just stop one secondary and copy the data directory.