MongoDB Index Intersection vs. Compound Indexes


This is a quote from the MongoDB docs:

But it doesn't explain why it doesn't eliminate the need for compound indexes. Why doesn't it?

Best Answer

There are a couple of reasons for this at present (I say at present, because improvements may be introduced in the future that reduce the relevance of these points):

  • Index intersection is limited to 2 indexes (this was the case in 2.6 but I don't see anything in subsequent release notes to suggest this has been increased)
  • If you can predict your query patterns and cover them with compound indexes then this will likely perform better
  • Index intersection is currently essentially a last resort to provide some index based coverage (as opposed to a table scan for example) for query patterns that are not already covered by a more efficient method

This is true for most purposes and most query profiles. A counter example here would be a set of queries, regularly run, which would require a large number of compound indexes. The work being done to keep those indexes up to date, the amount of memory they take up might mean that index intersection is a better strategy. This, however, is an edge case - most database usage can be profiled and indexed efficiently so that index intersection is not required.