MongoDB Atlas – View IP Addresses of Active Connections


Some posts show you can use db.currentOp(true) to show active connections, but when I do that I get this error

"ok" : 0,
"errmsg" : "Using $all for currentOp is disallowed in this atlas tier",
"code" : 8000,
"codeName" : "AtlasError"

Is there another way to view active connections to a MongoDB Atlas Cluster? What tier allows you to use this command?

Best Answer

If I understand correctly, this is about how to view ip addresses that got connected to your mongoDB Atlas cluster, I would say you can see number of connections established to a cluster by just logging into your Atlas mongoDB cloud dashboard (Atlas login). But if you want details on connections established, then you can download logs for that particular cluster as a file, You can navigate to it as given below, but you might only see this option for paid versions, Technically db.currentOp(true) should work, but for some reason it didn't, not sure why, maybe unsupported !! (mongoDB-unsupported-commands) :

enter image description here