Mongodb – How to we use transaction in mongodb standalone connection


I want to use transaction in mongodb but its told to replicaset can we perform transaction query with standalone mongodb if yes please share how to we can because when I try its give error

This MongoDB deployment does not support retryable writes. Please add retryWrites=false to your connection string

how to we perform translation without retryable writes.


Best Answer

This is not possible and clearly documented in the manual.

Ref: Retryable Writes

Retryable writes allow MongoDB drivers to automatically retry certain write operations a single time if they encounter network errors, or if they cannot find a healthy primary in the replica sets or sharded cluster.

Retryable writes have the following requirements:

Supported Deployment Topologies

Retryable writes require a replica set or sharded cluster, and do not support standalone instances.

Supported Storage Engine

Retryable writes require a storage engine supporting document-level locking, such as the WiredTiger or in-memory storage engines.