Mongodb – How to use mongoexport command with ssl


I am trying to export collection data from (SSL MongoDB 4.x), for this I am running below command on linux terminal.
Earlier I used mongoexport command in Linux terminal without SSL which works properly for (MongoDB without SSL).

sudo mongoexport --verbose=1 --host X.X.X.X:27018 --ssl --sslCAFile "certificate.pem"  -u username -p password --authenticationDatabase XYZ_Database --collection XYZ_Collection --out Output.csv 


2020-01-28T15:15:03.266+0000    could not connect to server: server selection error: server selection timeout
current topology: Type: Single
Addr: X.X.X.X:27018, Type: Unknown, State: Connected, Average RTT: 0, Last error: connection(X.X.X.X:27018[-121]) connection is closed

Best Answer

You are using the --sslCAFile argument, this is to specify the Certificate Authority file to be used against the server's certificate.

I think you might need to use --sslPEMKeyFile instead of --sslCAFile.
Better yet, you might need to specify them both if you are using self-signed certificates with a custom Certificate Authority.