Mongodb – How to test MongoDb sharded cluster


I set up a MongoDb sharded cluster (2 shards) as described in this tutorial.

Now, I want to test that the shard 1 (RS1) and shard 2 (RS2) works well. However, all the databases, collections and documents that I create goes in RS1 but seems to never go in RS2.

Am I missing something? How to make sure that RS2 works?

I use MongoDB shell version: 2.6.9.

Best Answer

The tutorial refers on how to setup a sharded cluster but not on how to shard collections.

The next step is to enable sharding for a database and shard one or more collections in order to distribute the data.

From the mongos first use sh.enableSharding("dbname")

and then sh.shardCollection("dbname.collectionname",{shardkey:1})

You need to choose what the shard key will be. A tutorial on how to choose a shard key can be found here