Mongodb – How to authenticate mongodb server identity via mongodb shell


I am trying to deploy a mongodb instance in my environment. I have settled a ssl connection so it is possible to authenticate clients (using a certificate they enter and agreed root ca by both the server and the client). Is there a way to authenticate the server identity too? (I could not find any reference to this issue)

I would like to use the mongo shell (without any side programming)

Thank you

Best Answer

I am trying to deploy a mongodb instance in my environment. I have settled a ssl connection so it is possible to authenticate clients (using a certificate they enter and agreed root ca by both the server and the client). Is there a way to authenticate the server identity too? (I could not find any reference to this issue) . I would like to use the mongo shell (without any side programming).

As per MongoDB documentation here MongoDB supports the following authentication mechanisms:

New in version 2.6.

MongoDB supports x.509 certificate authentication for client authentication and internal authentication of the members of replica sets and sharded clusters.

x.509 certificate authentication requires a secure TLS/SSL connection.

Certificate Authority

For production use, your MongoDB deployment should use valid certificates generated and signed by a single certificate authority. You or your organization can generate and maintain an independent certificate authority, or use certificates generated by a third-party TLS/SSL vendor.

Client x.509 Certificates

To authenticate to servers, clients can use x.509 certificates instead of usernames and passwords.

Client Certificate Requirements

The client certificate must have the following properties:

  • A single Certificate Authority (CA) must issue the certificates for both the client and the server.
  • Client certificates must contain the following fields:

    keyUsage = digitalSignature extendedKeyUsage = clientAuth

  • Each unique MongoDB user must have a unique certificate.

  • A client x.509 certificate’s subject, which contains the Distinguished Name (DN), must differ from that of a Member x.509 Certificate. Specifically, the subjects must differ with regards to at least one of the following attributes: Organization (O), the Organizational Unit (OU) or the Domain Component (DC).

WARNING If a client x.509 certificate’s subject has the same O, OU, and DC combination as the Member x.509 Certificate, the client will be identified as a cluster member and granted full permission on the system.

For your further ref here