MongoDB disk operations with journaling disabled


Assuming MongoDB 3.6, usage of WiredTiger, with journaling disabled:

How does mongod write data to hard drive? It performs write operation per every document? Per every chunk? And similarly: how about reads? Also: are those reads and writes random or sequential?

Going further: are writes made during writing journal file similar to those when creating snapshot?

Further explanation of question: I'm trying to limit usage of hard drive by Docker containers running MongoDB, so I started by benchmarking my disk following this guide: – How to benchmark disk I/O
. It states that

Again, databases and many other programs will read very small chunks
of data – 4 kilobytes is a good working estimate.

I'm wondering if this assumption is true for MongoDB.

Best Answer

There are two primary methods for WiredTiger to ensure the durability of your data: journaling and checkpointing.

Checkpoints store the valid and consistent state of the whole database. Should the server crash for any reason, it can restart from the last checkpoint in a consistent state. WiredTiger by default checkpoints the database every 60 seconds.

Journals store the writes that happened in-between checkpoints. If the database crashed between checkpoints, the journal data will be replayed on top of the last known good checkpoint. The journal is persisted to disk every 50 ms. The journaling process is optimized to be a lot more lightweight compared to checkpoints (and it also does a lot less work), so it's typically much faster than a checkpoint.

If journaling is disabled, the behaviour is slightly different between a mongod running in standalone mode or in replica set mode:

  • MongoDB 3.6.4 standalone with journaling disabled: only the complete state of the whole database is written to disk on every checkpoint. That is, if your database crashes between checkpoints, you can potentially lose the last 60 seconds of your writes (if using default checkpoint timing values).

  • MongoDB 3.6.4 replica set with journaling disabled: by design, a replica set requires more durability since it must record every operation in the oplog and ensure that the oplog is safely persisted. Thus, it will perform a checkpoint on every write instead. This will slow down the replica set tremendously.

The tradeoff you make by disabling journaling:

  • In a standalone deployment, since the main goal of a database is to persist your data, limiting disk usage (space or IOPS) will result in more data being lost between allowed writes. However, it's not recommended to run a standalone MongoDB for production purposes.

  • In a replica set, the write process is considerably slowed down due to the need to persist the oplog. This will also make the deployment use more disk IOPS. In the future versions of MongoDB, running a replica set with no journal will not be allowed (see SERVER-30347).

For more information regarding journaling, please see the Journaling Process page.