MongoDB vs. MongoDB Upstart Jobs on Ubuntu


  • I just noticed that there are two possible ways to start mongodb:

    • service mongodb start (uses /etc/mongod.conf)
    • service mongod start (uses /etc/mongodb.conf)

Can someone tell me what's the difference between the two?

I'm running mongodb 2.6.4 on Ubuntu 14.04 (64 bit)

Best Answer

I suspect you had MongoDB 2.4 installed previously.

In MongoDB 2.4 the service was called mongodb and used /etc/mongodb.conf (ref: Install MongoDB 2.4 on Ubuntu).

With MongoDB 2.6 there was an attempt to have more standard package names across Linux distributions, so the service was renamed to mongod (to reflect the actual daemon being started) and the config was changed to mongod.conf (ref: Install MongoDB 2.6 on Ubuntu).