MongoDB Backup – Creating a Backup/Dump on Remote Server via Local CMD/Shell


I hope you can help me.

It is a question that was asked before, but I have tried all solutions, and simply cannot get it right.

I have spend quite some time researching before posting this question. I have looked at the official MongoDB documents and many other blogs.

How can I make a DB backup/dump remotely, as well as restore that dump locally?

This is what I have thus far:

Running this from a new CMD prompt shell:

C:\Users\Admin>mongodump --host -d C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.0\bin --port 29039 --out /backup/mongodump-2015-11-13

I get this error:

2015-11-13T10:26:41.371+0200    error parsing command line options: expected argument for flag `/o, /out', but got option `/backup/mongodump-2015-11-13'
2015-11-13T10:26:41.371+0200    try 'mongodump --help' for more information

Secondly, how will I be able to restore this backup locally?

Best Answer

On Linux and Mac, arguments for command-line tools normally have one of these two formats:
--option1 value1 or -o value1.

On Windows, the standard is different:
/option1 value1 or /o value1.

mongo, mongodump and other command-line MongoDB programs actually preserve the Linux way of passing arguments. But the Windows cmd.exe shell will still recognize the character / as a beginning of a command-line option.

Also, in UNIX systems, / is used to separated parts of a file system path, e.g. /data/db. On Windows, \ is used instead: C:\Data\DB.

Your problem is this part of the command: --out /backup/mongodump-2015-11-13. You kept the backup path in the UNIX format, and / was recognized as a starting character of a command-line option.

You should specify a real file system path on your hard drive instead. For example:

--out C:\backup\mongodump-2015-11-13

Also, your data path (C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.0\bin) contains a space. Because of the space, cmd.exe will treat C:\Program and Files\MongoDB\Server\3.0\bin as separate parameters. To prevent this, surround the path with quotes:

-d "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.0\bin"

And as a final note, do not use the bin folder to store your data files (as you seem to be doing judging by the path you're passing to -d).