MongoDB Replication – Could Not Find Host Matching Read Preference {mode: ‘primary’}


I am deploy a monodb sharding, I have deploy a replica set in three machines:


and configsvr in three machine:


and also a mongos in machine:


at last I try to add my replica into mongos:

mongo dev41:28000/admin

then I got errors:

    "ok" : 0,
    "errmsg" : "could not find host matching read preference { mode: \"primary\" } for set rs0",
    "code" : 133

Best Answer

I faced the same issue then looked into Mongos log file and it was saying

can't authenticate to hostname as internal user, error: Authentication failed.

Please see here: internal user authentication and happens with SecKey file and auth- Enabled.


I opened mongod.conf file and

security: authorization: enabled    
keyFile: /var/run/mongodb/secKey.key

was missing so I added that and restart the mongod. Then I created shard again from Mongos and it is working now.