Mongodb – Can’t NoSQL DB ensure consistency if it is residing in a single server


As NoSQL DBs always prefer BASE over ACID.

Everyone always says that you can't have ACID when you are working with a NoSQL DBs.

For example, we have MongoDB (a popular NoSQL DB), which is hosted within a single server. No replicas. If the client app updates a document, strong consistency should take place.

(Just curious, not expert)

Best Answer

Yes, a write to a single instance, distributed database will be immediately consistent. You likely still won't have ACID, as each NoSQL variant has its own ways of handling (or not) atomicity.

Although, I have to wonder what the goal would be here. The main feature of a NoSQL database is its ability to support partition tolerance...which is lost in a single instance configuration. I can't think of many scenarios like that where I wouldn't just run Postgres.