MongoDB Benchmark with write-intensive on geo-indexed DB


I am using PostgreSQL 9.3 on AWS RDS to store geo information into an indexed table of points.

My data is write-oriented, meaning that I write nearly 1,000 points per each geo search query.

I am considering some scaling solutions, and MongoDB seems like a natural choice because it's mature, scales up well, and supports geo indexes out of the box.

Is there any reliable and recent benchmark that compares MongoDB performance to other SQL and NoSQL solutions, preferably under write-intensive scenarios?

Best Answer

i have used PostGIS for over a decade now and I can tell you for sure that there is no match for it in the NoSQL world.

how many rows do you have? how large is the thing? Mongo is definitely not going to make you happy. I am pretty sure you did something fishy on the PostgreSQL side to even consider using Mongo. Let us fix it ...