Mongodb array query woes


I am struggling with array matching and getting multiple records back.

"players" : [
        "pname" : "player_4",
        "loc" : [ -2.2, 1, 0]
        "pname" : "player_2",
        "loc" : [ 9, 1, 5 ]

Now assuming above data,

How do I project correctly where I get all the "loc" records that match the criterion?

Let's say loc.0 <15 should give both records, loc.0>0 should only give "player_2" etc.

I tried "players", "players.$". Without the $ I get all the data in "players". With the $, I get the first match. Obviously I am missing something big somewhere.

My trials below:

db.worlds.find({"name":"w1", "players.loc.0":{$lt:5}},{"players":1})

db.worlds.find({"name":"w1", "players.loc.0":{$lt:15}},{"players":1})

db.worlds.find({"name":"w1", "players.loc.0":{$lt:15}},{"players.$":1})

This is on Mongo 3.6.3.

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