Terminology – What is Meant by ‘Churn’?


I came across the following sentence in this blog post:

Know your data – this helps you make the right decisions in terms of
data types/nullability and churn helps with long term maintenance
goals (and initial maintenance plans)

I can't figure out what is meant by "churn." What is this? I only find plenty of articles talking about "churn" without saying what it is.

Best Answer

"Churn" in the most common usage is the rate that existing members of a group leave the group (for example, customers of a company stop being customers- if a company has 15% annual churn, 15% of its customers leave every year).

In this context, then, it would seem that the author is saying that you have to understand the rate at which records may be deleted or otherwise removed from tables in order to understand how to best plan the maintenance of the system.