Mariadb – The target table user of the INSERT is not insertable-into MariaDB 10.4.11


I did a wonderful thing of deleting all root users from mysql by accident. That kind of a day.

However before I panic I figured I would use this method here from searching online that didn't seem so bad.

"Add 'skip-grant-tables' to my.cnf under the [mysqld] section restart mysql"

then insert a new root user using "INSERT INTO mysql.user…"

When I do this I get an error I cannot find much information about

The target table user of the INSERT is not insertable-into
Does anyone have any ideas about this and how can I re-create a root user?

at first I thought this might have something to do with virtualmin because they talk about it here but I did this from CLI into mysql and it still says the same error

my environment

Centos7 Webmin version 1.940 
Usermin version|1.780 
Virtualmin version 6.08 
mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.4.11-MariaDB, for Linux (x86_64) using readline 5.1

Best Answer

I finally found my solution.

This is a big thanks to @RolandoMySQLDBA on this thread here

The only problem I had with his answer was that in the /var/lib/mysql/InitFile.sql file the missing WITH GRANT OPTION;


GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO root@localhost

Do not forget to remove the file when you are done, update to remove the init-file string you added the /etc/my.cnf

I am still not sure why mariadb was giving me the error "INSERT is not insertable-into" and I cold not find any documentation that explains this was a mariaDB problem. If anyone has more information about this please share