MariaDB – Stored Procedure in Master-Slave Replication


I have a master-slave replication for a schema products which is being replicated with binlog_do_db = products.

one of the the tables in the master schema is being archived by calling a stored procedure which is in schema products_archive.The data is moved to a different schema on the same database from products to products_archive.

        INSERT INTO products_archive.dial
        SELECT * FROM products.dial
        WHERE products.dial.dial_datestamp <= DATE(NOW() - INTERVAL 30 DAY);
        DELETE FROM products.dial
        WHERE producst.dial.dial_datestamp <= DATE(NOw() - INTERVAL 30 DAY);

But the slave has only one schema products which is not being archived.
Since stored procedure is on the schema which is not being replicated the master should be archived and the slave shouldn't.

But what instead happened is the master archive was successful and the same data got deleted on the slave.

How did the data get purged on the slave as the schema products_archive is not added to list of replicated schemas.

Best Answer

It seems what is happening is that your stored procedure deletes rows from products.dial, and these DELETE statements are simply replicated to the slave. It doesn't matter that the stored procedure itself is in a non-replicated schema.