Mariadb – Query processor ran out of internal resources and could not produce a query plan” – MariaDB


i have some query

SELECT  COUNT(loan_payment) as setcolumn
    FROM  table1
    WHERE  paydate between {d '2020-05-01'} AND {d '2020-05-31'}
      and  period_code = 'MONTHLY'
      AND  company_id = 11111
      AND  ( emp_id IN ('DO2071406','DO2073897','DO2073464','DO2071522',
              OR  emp_id IN ('DO2071406','DO2073897','DO2073464','DO2071522',
                        'DO2071741','DO2071739','DO2071740','DO2071751')OR emp_id IN ('DO2071406',
                        'DO2071740','DO2071751')OR emp_id IN ('DO2071406','DO2073897',

when i running i got error message like this

this is a limitation from where in () condition ??

because previously i put all emp_id like this

SELECT  COUNT(loan_payment) as setcolumn
    FROM  table1
    WHERE  paydate between {d '2020-05-01'} AND {d '2020-05-31'}
      and  period_code = 'MONTHLY'
      AND  company_id = 11111
      AND  ( emp_id IN ('DO2071406','DO2073897','DO2073464','DO2071522',

i got some error message.

Best Answer

  • OR does not optimize well; don't use that form.

  • One of these indexes will be optimal; add both:

    INDEX(company_id, period_code, paydate)
    INDEX(period_code, company_id, emp_id)
  • {d '2020-05-01'} can be simply '2020-05-01'

  • You might find this easier to deal with

        paydate >= '2020-05-01'
    AND paydate  < '2020-05-01' + INTERVAL 1 MONTH
  • COUNT(loan_payment) checks for NULL; perhaps you want simply COUNT(*)?