Mariadb – Percona pt-table-checksum output is in infinite loop “Waiting for the –replicate table to replicate”


We have following Multi master replication scenario. We are using Mariadb 10.1.34 and percona 3.0.11

  • Master: Name: db-master1 (
  • Slave: Name: db-slave2 ( Replica Connection name:
    master1 (

SHOW SLAVE 'master1' STATUS\G on slave server is working fine.

On execution of following pt-table-checksum command on DB Master (db-master1)

pt-table-checksum --replicate=percona.checksums --ignore-databases mysql,Quotient h=localhost,u=checksum_user,p=checksum_password --recursion-method=dsn=D=percona,t=dsns  --no-check-binlog-format
Checking if all tables can be checksummed ...
Starting checksum ...
Replica db-slave2 is stopped.  Waiting.
Replica db-slave2 is stopped.  Waiting.

On Master1-db, the percona.dsns table have entry for db-slave2

The Above Waiting information is continue in infinite loop.

Look forward any support

Best Answer

On Master DB Server

(i) For safe side, I made copy of original /bin/pt-table-checksum

cp /bin/pt-table-checksum /bin/pt-table-checksumorg

(ii) Open the /bin/pt-table-checksum file

vi /bin/pt-table-checksum

(iii) Go to line number 8590 Press esc, type 8590 , press shift g

(iv) replace the line my @lagged_slaves = map { {cxn=>$_, lag=>undef} } @$slaves; by my @lagged_slaves = ();

the program immediately works and returns the expected results.