Mariadb – Memcached plugin on MariaDB


I'd like to try new NoSQL feature in MySQL 5.6 but I am using MariaDB 10.0.2 on Debian 6 and don't fancy coming back to MySQL.

I'm wondering whether the memcached plugin has been added to MariaDB? And if not whether one can still use it as an addon?

And if not, can I use the existing Cassandra plugin of MariaDB to the same effect?

Best Answer

I'm wondering whether the memcached plugin has been added to MariaDB?

Not yet. But slide 24 of mariadb-10-and-whats-new-with-the-project mentions:

 Plan is to have all important features of MySQL 5.6 by the time
 MariaDB 10.1.x is released as stable - For all practical purposes
 MariaDB 10.1.x will be a drop in replacement to MySQL 5.6"

  • New Features Backported from MySQL 5.6
    • New InnoDB — from MySQL 5.6.5

The thought being that the InnoDB Memcached Plugin would come along with InnoDB from 5.6. Also see is a request for it is a patch

The source is , this is where it would be added.

Update, add link to related issue: - "Remove unused InnoDB Memcached hooks from MariaDB Server"