Mariadb – Match Against search not doing exact search


I'm using MariaDB version 10.2.22 with a InnoDB engine, utf8 charset, it has one column that is indexed FULLTEXT. The table itself is only 4.4 GB with avg row length at 255. When I do a query such as:

    SELECT as id
    table1 m,
    table2 d
    where AND
    MATCH ([column]) AGAINST ('"CE20-2019"' in boolean mode)

I get a "SQL Error [128] [HY000]:Table handler out of memory". I suspect that the "-2019" is being searched or not included, I'm not sure, and that the found matches exceeds the memory allowed. The [column] is a "LongText" datatype.

I've tried changing the innodb_buffer_pool_size to 4 GB and then 8 GB, but still get this error.

(System has 24 GB of RAM, not sure if my comfortable changing it to 70% of RAM listed on their documentation found here:, since I'm on version 10.2.22, this innodb_buffer_pool_size variable is suppose to be dynamic so I don't have to restart the MariaDB service to restart Mysqld.

Any ideas what's causing the Table handler out of memory?

Best Answer

Plan A:

As you put the data into the table, change - to, say, _ so that such items will be on "word", not two. Do a similar change when constructing the AGAINST clause.

If necessary, make an extra column with that and do any other cleansing of the data -- Then index that column with FULLTEXT, but use the original table for output.

Plan B:

MATCH (col) AGAINST ('+CE20' in boolean mode)
AND col LIKE '%CE20-2019%'

Or, if you need a regexp to handle a letter/digit before:

MATCH (col) AGAINST ('+CE20' in boolean mode)
AND col REGEXP '\\bCE20-2019'

(That's for MySQL 8; use [[:<:]] instead of \\b for other versions. That is "word boundary" and should eliminate most of the 20 extra rows.)

That will run nearly as fast as the original query should have run.

Alas, this requires understanding the incoming data and making programmatic decisions as to how best to construct a fast query.

Note that the use of + when IN BOOLEAN MODE may be the 'right' thing to do for your app.