Mariadb – Galera, MariaDB and multiple datacenter


Looking into using Galera and MariaDB across 3 data centers. We have a metroE comnection between the sites. Connectivity is pretty stable, but my concern is if a WAN link goes down at one of the sites, and I am writing to the local nodes.

How does it handle that situation?

How many nodes at minimum at each site is recommended?

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Best Answer

If the WAN link breaks, the cluster will split into 2 clusters. The bigger cluster will be a PRIMARY cluster, meaning that it will work properly. The other partition won't accept any write until it re-joins with the PRIMARY cluster and the data in the nodes are updated.

Note that it is very important to set a good value for evs.suspect_timeout. Before this timeout occurs, the whole cluster will wait a response from unreachable node. After that timeout occurs, the cluster is partitioned. If the value is too low, slow nodes may cause a cluster partitioning. If the timeout is too high, working nodes may wait uselessly for a response from unreachable nodes.