MariaDB Audit Plugin – Logging Only DML Queries


I was testing the "server_audit" plugin of MariaDB, which I configured like this:

plugin-load-add = server_audit
server_audit_logging = ON
server_audit_events = QUERY_DML
server_audit_output_type = FILE
server_audit_file_path = /path/to/audit.log
server_audit_query_log_limit = 1048576
server_audit_file_rotate_size = 1073741824
server_audit_file_rotations = 1

and I am currently running MariaDB 10.1.29 with MariaDB Audit Plugin version 1.4.3.

Based on the docs, the value QUERY_DML should be

Same as QUERY, but filters only DML-type queries (DO, CALL, LOAD DATA/XML, DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE, HANDLER and REPLACE statements)

emphasis mine.

After restarting the server, the log files has correctly been created, however it is logging also other queries, like for example plain SELECTs.

Is my configuration somewhat incorrect, or is it perhaps an error on MariaDB side?

Best Answer

As of version 1.4.4 of the plugin, there is now a QUERY_DML_NO_SELECT type that should give you what you are expecting.

Same as QUERY_DML, but doesn't log SELECT queries. (since version 1.4.4) (DO, CALL, LOAD DATA/XML, DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE, HANDLER and REPLACE statements)

This was introduced in MariaDB 5.5.42, MariaDB 10.0.17, and MariaDB 10.1.4.