Looking for a book on optimizing tables and queries for handling time sequence data


I once had an electronic copy of what I understood to be a classic work on optimizing tables and queries for handling timestamped data. It was old-ish when I found it 6-8 years ago. I was sure I also printed and bound a copy but that disappeared in the move when I left my last job.

It was DBMS-agnostic and may be obsolete if standard SQL features and/or various vendor extensions have filled the hole it addressed. However, now that I want it, I can't find it.

As an example of a question it helped answer was: if you record values only on change so your table says it was 75 degrees at noon and went up to 76 at 2pm, what was the temperature at 1pm?

I am not looking for answer to that question but I've Googled and Googled trying to find a new electronic copy and haven't come close. Does this sound familiar to anyone here? I'd appreciate any pointers.

Best Answer

Adding "out of print" to my search terms led to https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/02D8929E-1F0D-11D9-9830-000A95A0A9C8%40mit.edu which references https://www2.cs.arizona.edu/people/rts/tdbbook.pdf which is what I was looking for.