List partitioning or filtering a non-partitioned table, which incurs lower cost


Consider a list partitioned table PARTITIONED__SOURCE_TBL on column period, and non-partitioned table SOURCE_TBL also having the same columns. Assume all tables are adequately indexed.

Set 1:


Total cost = [Cost to insert rows into partitioned table] + [Cost to pull data from a specific partition]

'Cost to insert rows into partitioned table': Would this be higher for a non-partitioned table?

'Cost to pull data from a specific partition': Should be minimal as you are basically pulling data from a logical table rather than using an index to filter out the records

Set 2:

SELECT * FROM SOURCE_TBL WHERE period = <some value>;

Total cost = [Cost to insert into non-partitioned table] + [Cost to perform a full table scan, filter data row-wise and retrieve a required data ]

'Cost to perform a full table scan, filter data row-wise and retrieve a required data': I feel this would be higher than pulling data from a partition as we are pulling data from a single partition at a time, so Oracle needs to look at a single partition (subset of the table).

Now as both above sets return the same required data.. which approach is considered better..?
As @Phil has mentioned below, a good indexed table should be better than having a partition for better performance. Note that we already have the license for partitioning so that is not a factor here.

Best Answer

The performance benefits of partition pruning depend on the proportion of rows being selected from the table and the efficiency with which the rows can be isolated to their own partition(s).

If you are selecting 5% of a table's rows and those rows are isolated into a subset of partitions then selecting them is generally going to be around twenty times faster than a full table scan. On the other hand, selecting them via an index could be more or less efficient than a full table scan, but is not going to approach twenty times as fast except maybe in very particular circumstances (perfect clustering of values, bitmap index access, SSD storage ...).

There's virtually no overhead to inserting into a partitioned table. One advantage of partitioning when it comes to inserts is that it can allow multiple simultaneous direct path inserts to the table, which is impossible on a non-partitioned table as the insert would require a segment-level exclusive lock.