Linux – create additional oracle 11g database in linux


I have already created a database XE on my linux desktop.Please find the below information about the database.




I have to create another database,eg: database name is DB1. My question is how i can set ORACLE_HOME for DB1 and other parameters in pfile ?

Also i can avoid the error

ORA-45301: XE Edition single instance violation error

Best Answer

Oracle Database XE Installation and Execution Restrictions

Only one installation of Oracle Database XE can be performed on a single computer. This does not affect any existing installation or new installations of Oracle Database 11g Standard Edition, Oracle Database 11g Standard Edition One, or Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition. In addition, users can run only one instance of the Oracle Database XE database on each individual computer. To run more than one Oracle Database server instance or install more than one copy of the database software, upgrade to Oracle Database 11g Standard Edition, Oracle Database 11g Standard Edition One, or Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition.