Is there performance difference between “SET ROWCOUNT” and “TOP”


I need to select batches of N rows from a large table.

I know of two ways of doing this:


    SELECT something FROM table WHERE clauses
    SET ROWCOUNT 0 -- rowcount is only needed for the one query above.
  2. TOP

     SELECT TOP ### something FROM table WHERE clauses

Is there any performance difference (or any other reason to pick one over another) between the two solutions?


  • If it matters, Sybase ASE is version 15.
  • The query is a single SELECT statement. The limit will not apply to any other statements (so usual reasons to pick rowcount over top don't apply).
  • The order of the rows does not matter

Research done:

  • This SO Q&A has accepted answer which claims no difference without any supporting references; and another answer that shows a possible un-measured difference for MS SQL server (which I'm not sure applies to Sybase as the reference is from Microsoft).

Best Answer

Generally speaking ... performance should be the same.

Technically speaking ... it depends on the query; for example, if the TOP is used within the confines of a derived table then you may see different performance depending on how/if the optimizer flattens the query.

To answer the question for a given query(s), run some tests with the following options enabled:

set showplan on
set statistics io,time on
-- set rowcount XXX
select [top] ...
-- set rowcount 0

You'll want to run the query a couple times to make sure data has been pulled from disk so that you can compare in-memory data queries to each other.

Obviously you'll then want to compare the 2x query plans as well as the IOs and timings (keeping in mind that times can vary greatly based on duration of blocking and/or time spent on the wait queue waiting to run on a dataserver engine). IOs should be comparable on repeat runs, but for timings you'll likely want to run each query a few times and take the average.