Is Neo4j 2 replication architecture a master-slave or multi-master


In the new docs of Neo4j (23.1. Architecture) it says that:

When running Neo4j in HA mode there is always a single master and zero
or more slaves. Compared to other master-slave replication setups
Neo4j HA can handle write requests on all machines so there is no need
to redirect those to the master specifically.

And in wikipedia about Multi-master replication

Multi-master replication is a method of database replication which
allows data to be stored by a group of computers, and updated by any
member of the group. All members are responsive to client data
queries. The multi-master replication system is responsible for
propagating the data modifications made by each member to the rest of
the group, and resolving any conflicts that might arise between
concurrent changes made by different members. Multi-master replication
can be contrasted with master-slave replication, in which a single
member of the group is designated as the "master" for a given piece of
data and is the only node allowed to modify that data item. Other
members wishing to modify the data item must first contact the master
node. Allowing only a single master makes it easier to achieve
consistency among the members of the group, but is less flexible than
multi-master replication.

Is that means that is a multi-master architecture? What is the difference if not. Thanks

Best Answer

Neo4j is a master-slave cluster.

While you can write to slaves for safety, it will take locks on the master and affect your whole cluster's performance.