Dynamic SQL – Is It Good Practice to Create Tables Dynamically?


Let's say that I'm making an IRC bot, and in addition to all the other stuff that should be stored in the DB, I want to log all the messages in each channel in which the bot is present.

I already have a channels table with columns id, channel_name, and some other info.

For logging each message, what seems the most sense to me is to create a messages_channelname table for each channel, and in there store the message along with whatever other information is associated with it.

That elicits a problem, though – the name of the table is now dissociated from the channel's id (although I could alleviate this by making the table name messages_channelid).

I feel like the best practice here, rather than what makes the most sense, would be to have a master messages table that contains the messages from all channels, with columns channel_id, id and message, where id would be the index of the message per channel. But then I'd have (unfounded) concerns about table size and possibly search speed.

What's the best way to go about this?

Best Answer

There isn't any definitive answer for this problem.

You've correctly identified some of the possible tradeoffs (single table=simpler/possibly slower/more contention?, multiple tables=more complicated/faster, maybe?/harder to use in other contexts?).

The general advice is to start with the more straight-forward single-table solution, then break them out if testing shows problems.

Most of the time you're going to get good performance on a single table as long as you have decent hardware and proper indexing design.

Depending on the specific platform, you might have other technical solutions like filtered indexed views and stuff like that.