SSMS Intellisense Not Working Due to Columnstore Index


I use SQL Server 2016 Developer Edition on Windows 10 64 bit. All the databases are local on my laptop.

I have a SQL script file, and Intellisense doesn't work on it. I have enabled Intellisense and tried various fixes suggested in this post:

IntelliSense not working but it is enabled

None of these fixes work for me; however, Intellisense works on all the other files. The only special thing of this file is its length: it has more than 600 lines of code.

It seems that the problem is caused by a command creating columnstore index. Here is a sample code:

INTO #test1
FROM tab1


INTO #test2
FROM tab1

I found that Intellisense stopped working after inserting the block of code in the middle! The outlining will also disappear after inserting the middle block of code.

Once I remove the middle block of code, the outlining and Intellisense will work again.

Can anyone help me test this sample case?

I tried to add semicolon an GO to separate code, but neither of them works for me. Now it seems that the only feasible solution is commenting that middle block out.

Best Answer

After some testing I am also running into the same issue with SSMS 2016 (ver. 13.0.16104.4). I was able to keep Outlining and IntelliSense functionality working for a few more words than you're reporting by including the optional word NONCLUSTERED, but after I named the index, both the IntelliSense and Outlining features stopped working.

I suggest you fill out a Microsoft Connect item so the MS team has a proper bug submission ticket to work against.

Post the link after the fact and I'll up-vote it as well.