Oracle 12c – Is a PDB a Container in Multi-Tenant Architecture


Below is an excerpt from Oracle document.

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I just want to confirm, is it correct to consider a user-created PDB or a seed PDB as a container? It's a little weird to me. If this is true. Then essentially everything is a container in an Oracle multi-tenant architecture. CDB root, system container, application container, PDBs, seed PDBs are all containers?

Best Answer

Yes, PDBs are containers.

Actually, the whole CDB is a container (CON_ID=0 called 'system container') which contains other containers:

  • CDB$ROOT is a container (CON_ID=1 'root') which is not a PDB

  • other containers which are PDBs:

  • PDB$SEED is a container (CON_ID=2) 'seed PDB'

  • other user-created PDBs (CON_ID>2)

Look at the diagram here:

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