Importing a single large table in Azure


I have an existing DB called MyDb in Azure SQL Server.
I have a bacpac of another DB with several tables in it. I'm interested in importing one single table (that table has no FK, it makes things easier) into a dedicated table MyDb.dbo.ImportedTable. The final goal is to be able to do some data reconstruction using that table.

Problems are:

  • MyDb.dbo.ImportedTable is ~60 Gb large
  • The main column in that table is a NVARCHAR(MAX). That forbids me to use Elastic queries in Azure. It times out since Elastic queries hates anything larger than NVARCHAR(4000) (I tried)

I guess a good approach is:
1. Use BCP but I only have the binary *.bcp files (15'000 of them) that are inside the bacpac archive (opened as a zip, in its data folder)

But I'm unable to make it work, especially because I find no documentation about the *.bcp file format used in the bacpac.

tl;dr What is the good approach to import a single ~60Gb table fro ma bacpac in an existing database in azure SQL Server?

Best Answer

It seems there is no way to simply use the .bac files fomr inside the .bacpac archive. I had then to revert to bcp to create a text file that will be the source of another bcp command to create import the dat in the new DB I want.

To export the data and create the file:

bcp "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE someColumn = someValue" queryout "${table}.csv" -U $user -P $password -S $server -d $dbSource -N -k

And then to reimport it as a new table

bcp [$dbTarget].[dbo].[$table] IN "Fresh${table}.csv" -U $user -P $password -S $server -E -N -k