Import 2 column CSV files to some sort of DB… preliminary planning


Every day I have a CSV file generated by a script. It has two columns. Column 1 is a name, column 2 is the size of their mailbox.

I have a years worth of these files. I would like to be able to import them into a database (We have SQL in house, or I could install MySQL, or anything else for that matter)

I want to be able to see growth patterns for these users over time. Basic reports, which is another problem that I'll solve at a later time. For now I just want the data in a DB instead of hundreds of flat files.

What kind of DB is good for this? Simple is best. I'm not a DB guy.
What would you do? This is mostly a learning project for me.

Best Answer

A while ago I wrote a couple of blog posts on loading logfiles into SQLite for analysis. This is an incredibly easy database to use, zero administration, bindings to any language you can think of (e.g. Python and Tcl/Tk as well as exotic ones like OCaml) supports a decent subset of SQL for complex reporting and can handle surprisingly large datasets (millions of rows). You don't say what OS you're on, but on Linux it's just a yum or an apt-get away. I'd definitely choose it over MySQL for this kind of work.